About EPG
We are an interdisciplinary firm offering environmental planning; landscape architecture; biological, cultural, paleontological, and visual resource; GIS; graphic design; public involvement; and environmental compliance management services.
We understand the natural, cultural, and human environment, allowing us to achieve planning and design solutions that balance growth, development, and the environment and enrich the quality of life for the communities involved. Inherent in our project success is the diversity, talents, skills, and creativity of our group; our foundation in process; our team approach and commitment to quality; our utilization of advancing technology; and clear, concise communication.
An Interdisciplinary Organization
Founded in 1999, we are an interdisciplinary firm with environmental planners, landscape architects, biologists and ecologists, archaeologists and historians, GIS and information technology specialists, and public involvement specialists.
Diversity, Talents, Skills, and Creativity
Our planners, designers, and resource specialists have diverse experience with varied and extensive backgrounds. Our group’s talent, skill, and creativity are wide-ranging and distinguished, earning us a reputation for excellence.
Foundation in Process
Our approach is founded on the use of a systematic, comprehensive, defensible, and understandable planning and design process tailored to each project. Our understanding of the project environment and creativity in problem-solving are based on this process.
Team Approach
We approach each assignment as a team of planners, designers, resource specialists, clients, agencies, contractors, and the public. We find the best solutions are achieved through a collaborative approach.
Commitment to Quality
We are committed to quality. We assign experienced personnel with qualifications carefully matched to the requirements and responsibilities of each project. We do everything it takes to get the job done, and done right.
Utilization of Advancing Technology
Our continued application of advancing technology, as demonstrated over the years, allows us to efficiently achieve solutions.
Clear, Concise Communication
We develop clear and concise language, sketches, graphics drawings, plans, and specifications. This enhances communication, minimizes potential conflicts, and allows us to obtain a clear understanding of the project’s specific goals and objectives, issues, and design requirements.