Infrastructure projects including pipelines serve as conduits allowing the opportunity to grow and thrive, meeting our constant and ever changing needs.
EPG provides environmental planning, siting, permitting, compliance and construction services for pipelines, oil, and gas facilities, and has experience with water, natural gas, oil, and CO2 pipeline projects. These pipelines have ranged from 1 to more than 700 miles in length, and from 6 to 42 inches in pipe diameter.
These efforts have included:
- Environmental Feasibility Studies
- Alternative Route Identification
- Environmental Permitting and Resource Clearance Surveys
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Section 7 (c) Resource Reports
- Environmental Compliance Management
We also provide a comprehensive range of site reclamation and rehabilitation planning, design, and implementation and post-construction monitoring/auditing services, such as:
Site Reclamation and Rehab Planning, Design, and Implementation
- Project impact and mitigation strategies development
- Seed mix and application techniques development
- Coordination of native seed collections and contract growing
- Native plant inventory, salvage, and relocation
- Site grading and drainage design
- Surface reclamation and soil coloration applications
- Supplemental planting design and installation
- Irrigation design and installation
- Reclamation implementation and oversight
Post-Construction Monitoring/Auditing
- Restoration monitoring, including transects development, installation, and documentation
- Noxious weed evaluation and control
- Best management practices [BMP] monitoring and documentation
- Stormwater pollution prevention plan [SWPPP] closeout
- Remedial action development and implementation
- Agency consultation regarding restoration success, remedial actions, and site release
- Dust permit closeout, including final testing of site stability
- Post-construction habitat assessments