Construction Compliance Management and Reclamation Services
Effective communication is vital to keep a project in compliance and on time.
That’s why our approach to effective construction compliance management is through effective communication between the compliance team and the construction contractor.
We provide a wide range of services in all phases of construction from pre-construction planning and permitting, construction monitoring services, and post-construction services to complete the project after construction activities have concluded, including reclamation and post-construction monitoring. Some of the services that we provide are listed below.

Pre-construction Services
- Preparing plans and submitting permits for construction to comply with regulations and mitigation measures
- Environmental training, including the production and distribution of field manuals and contractor training sessions
- Surveys and reports for cultural resources, paleontological resources, threatened and endangered species, protected native plants, and wildlife habitat
- Preparation and inspection of Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan (SWPPP) implementation
- Fully documented inspection (including photography), designed to suit the needs of the project including compliance with agency requirements
Construction Services
- Full engineering procurement and construction (EPC) environmental compliance management and monitoring services during construction
- Compliance inspection contractor (CIC) and environmental inspector services
- Environmental training including the production and distribution of field manuals and contractor training sessions
- Surveys and reports for cultural resources, paleontological resources, threatened and endangered species, protected native plants, and wildlife habitat
- Consultation and monitoring for soil stabilization, erosion and sedimentation control, and reclamation and revegetation
- Preparation and inspection of SWPPP implementation
- Cultural resource discoveries and environmentally sensitive studies (e.g., protection of sensitive habitats)
- Specification of palliatives and dust monitoring
- High definition drone photography and videography for progress documentation
Post-construction Services
- Closeout of permits that were opened for construction
- Continuation of compliance management and monitoring for operations and maintenance requirements
- Reclamation using a variety of revegetation and other methods to restore temporarily disturbed areas
- Qualitative and quantitative reclamation and revegetation monitoring for success criteria both on the ground and through the use of drones.
This high level of communication allows all parties to be aware of any issues and concerns that may be present in the upcoming weeks of the project schedule. This allows construction staff to be aware and able to plan for the mitigation measures that need to be managed to keep the project moving along in a productive manner.
Construction Compliance Management and Reclamation Services – assisting you in the successful completion of your projects to build a better environment.